In case you’re missing the ecchi anime, you’ll be happy to know that Koharu Inoue’s manga The Duke of Death and his Maid will officially receive an anime adaptation, with Generic release date set for 2021. The series is produced by JC Staff (Toradora !, Food Wars), who recently showed trailers and key visuals.
Inoue’s work began serializing on Shogakukan’s Sunday Webry website in 2017 and has over 170 chapters published. The summary is as follows: “In In a large mansion lives a boy, an aristocrat nicknamed the Duke of Death, who kills everything he touches. With him lives his maid, the young Alice, who likes to tease him every day. The two are starting to like each other, but how can they be together if they can’t even touch?“.
Yoshiki Yamakawa (Kill Me Baby, Little Busters !, Hi Score Girl) directs the anime at JC Staff while Yusuke Suzuki Directed the CGI scenes at Shogakukan Music & Digital Entertainment. Hideki Shirane (Date A Live, DanMachi) writes the script based on the original work while Michiru Kuwabata (Danchi Tomoo, Hi Score Girl) draws the characters. Gen Okuda is Takeshi Watanabe compose the music. Natsuki Hanae (Tanjiro Kamado in Demon Slayer) will give the protagonist his voice while Ayumi Mano (Natsumi on Date a Live) will be Alice.
The Duke of Death and His Handmaid won’t be the only sentimental ecchi-colored anime coming out in 2021. We remind you that in April Ijiranaide Nagatoro-san will debut, while in July it will be the turn of Idaten Deities for the peaceful generation.
Koharu Inoue’s manga “Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid” will receive a TV anime adaptation for 2021. Yoshiki Yamakawa is a director at JCStaff. # 死神 坊 ち ゃ ん
– Ranobe Sugoi (+) (@RanobeSugoi) February 2, 2021