Although a few hours late, Dynit confirmed that the premiere of Attack of the Giants 4 is also available on Amazon Prime Video, in the original language and with subtitles in Italian. The first episode premiered this morning VVVVID and now that Jeff Bezos hits the streaming platform, there really are no more excuses not to make up for the episode.

The first episode of The Attack of the Giants 4 begins with a time jump of three yearsand shows the continuation of the clash between Marley and the Eldian armies. The nation of Marley intends to take control of the seas to launch a final assault on Paradise Island, where we have left Eren, Mikasa, Armin and everyone else while Allied forces defend Fort Slava to prevent his advance.

In the episode in question, viewers meet some new faces that stand out Falco Grice is Gabi Braun, two of the possible successors to the Marley-controlled Shapeshifting Giants. At the moment, the nation can rely on the armored giant (Reiner Brown), the giant beast (Zeke Jaeger), the giant jaw (Galliard) and the giant chariot, whose identities we will discover in the next few episodes.

The premiere of Attack of the Giants 4 is literally heartbreaking, and MAPPA seems to have done a great job with more than satisfactory animation and clever use of CGI tech. We also remind you that yesterday the first advances in the second episode of The Attack of the Giants 4 were shared.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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