A press release officially announced the production of a new anime adaptation of the manga, written and illustrated by Yasuhiro Nightow, trigunwhich is titled Trigun Stampede. The premiere is planned for 2023 and Studio Orange is responsible for the production, Confirmation of our leak two years ago. In another statement, they also point out that "will have a whole new voice and production team“.
The platforms crispy roll announced that it will be responsible for the worldwide distribution of this new animation project and will organize a panel at the event anime exhibition on July 2, which will reveal more information about the anime. Among those invited to the panel will be the designer Koji Tajima (GANTZ:O character artist), the manufacturers of Studio Orange, Kiyotaka Waki (Godzilla singular point) J Yoshihiro Watanabe (beast stars) and the manufacturer of TOHO, Katsuhiro Takei (Kimi no Nawa.).
Nightow published the manga in the magazine Monthly Shōnen Captain from the publisher Akita shot between May 1995 and February 1997. The publisher has compiled the work into three volumes. The author then continued the publication under the title Trigun Maximum in the magazine Young Our King from the publisher Shönengahosha between December 1997 and May 2007 with a total of 14 anthologies published.
The play inspired a Studios-produced 26-episode anime adaptation. crazy houseLed by Satoshi Nishimura and scripts written by Yusuke Kurodareleased in April 1998. With a total of seventeen filler episodes, trigun It has a high filling level of 65 percent.
Trigun Summary
"Vash the Stampede" is a man whose head costs $60 billion. The reason is a ruthless villain who destroys anyone who opposes him and destroys entire cities for fun, earning him the title "The Human Hurricane". He leaves a trail of death and destruction in his wake wherever he goes, and anyone can be practically left to die if they even make casual contact with him, rumor has it. In reality, Vash claims never to have killed and avoids violence at all costs.
With his crazy donut obsession and goofy attitude, Vash traverses the wasteland of the planet Gunsmoke while being pursued by two agents named Meryl Stryfe and Milly Thompson who are trying to minimize his social impact. But Vash's misadventures soon turn into life-or-death situations when a group of legendary assassins are summoned to wreak havoc on the trio.
Font: Weird Natalie
(c) 2023 内藤泰弘・少年画報社/「TRIGUN STAMPEDE」製作委員会