The adventures of Ash and Go continue in Pokémon Explorations! After a short break, the animated series will return to focus on the new protagonist and the desire of his sob!

After Ash’s knightly battle with his Farfetch’d, as can be seen from the episode 62 recap that user Anipoke Fandom posted on Twitter, this time they will be Go and be sobbing dominate the scene.

We had previously seen Sobble meet an Inteleon, its ultimate evolutionary form; Apparently this meeting shaped him so much that he urged him to train relentlessly in order to one day become like him.

“”Sobble admires Inteleon so much that he trains every day! The time for its development has finally come? “reads the table of contents published on the pages of the magazine Japanese magazine CoroCoro. “Will Sobble be the Inteleon he admires so much? Isn’t he going to be the whimpering bastard he is now?”

“”Go is shy and cries sobs … will finally evolve into this PokémonThe eighth generation water type starter is therefore could develop during episode 62 of the anime. Before becoming an Inteleon, however, Sobble should first turn into a drizzle. Will his strong desire make him skip this phase? Until that very likely event happens, Ash will get his rematch in Pokémon Explorations.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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