This review on Lapis Re: LiGHTs contains spoilers. If you haven’t seen the chapter, we recommend that you do it and then go back to read the review.
Chapter 8: Orchestral Instinct
The director Chloe briefly tells Tiara about her sister and her group. beam. This tells us that we meet another member in addition to the director: Angela, who called herself Angers. After all this, the director gives Tiara permission to put her orchestra together. With that the girls begin their hard and difficult training exhausted, so that Ashley and Lynette are shown zombies. The other girls they met and whose orchestras help them with whatever they need until the big day comes, but not before they choose their name, which will be announced to us on the day of the concert. The concert is wonderful and magical, so much so that the tower ends in yellow, but not everything ends happily.
Chapter Opinion
At first I expected something different, it was also a good chapter. I was expecting a chapter over beam, the director and the beginning noticed it like a: Join in to see this story. It’s not what I expected, but I’m happy. I would have loved to see more, her story almost seems to be a legend in her world, also to see why they broke up. The director seemed to have a colder personality, but we saw that she didn’t. Also, things reconnect because it was strange that Tiara should be assigned to this group. The concert was wonderful, my second favorite song from the anime, the spectacular atmosphere and the animation too. Does anyone remember the time when they subtitled all the songs in the anime? This anime reminded me of those times.
History of the past
Camila, the Immaculate Princess, Ray’s half-human. Angers, the little archangel, Ray is sweet and innocent. Yuzuriha, the graceful dancing princess, the strangely tasting of the group. Chloe, the Blue Reaper from Hell who appears to have a Chuunibyou complex. Finally, Eliza, the scarlet singer and leader of Ray, child prodigy and magician. I find Eliza’s character design more attractive than that of her sister Tiara. Not much is revealed to us, we just see what they are doing in a group and for themselves, but before we are magical idols or if they are not as such. They could also be protagonists of their own anime, they all have interesting personalities. Maybe they’ll release another anime, but with beam as protagonists? I would love to.
While watching beamthe comparison became inevitable. Both are groups of five, each unfolding in something, and the characters’ physical prototypes are similar. They differ in personality, although Tiara and Elza are similar in one thing: being the center that drives their team forward. Lynette and Yuzuriha look alike in the library, the rest are completely different. Angers and Lavie are similar in small ways, but the adorable and the species separate them. Camila reminds me more of Ratura and Chloe of Rikka Takanashi (from another anime). Something tells me the director sent Tiara to this group too because she reminded them of it beam.
Yes and training
In the end, the yes was obvious and inevitable. Tiara is authorized to found the orchestra. That makes the girls happy and the training sequence begins (I would have liked to have had training music). In the beginning, they do everything on their own, with no help or support, which is fine, which is what makes the support they later receive from the girls they met is impressive. While I have to admit that the onset of this help was very sudden and even forced, but as it was, Maryberry is fine and I’m letting it happen. Hence they support everyone except Sadistic Candy! and Supernovaalthough they give him moral support from afar. In the end everything is done, only the name is missing: Nobody knows which name to use until Tiara’s headlight comes on and Lynette comes up with the idea. I liked that very much, not everything is done by the leader or protagonist, not everything depends on her, what is important to others.
Laights made his presentation. I have to say that this was by far the best presentation. The magic that Tiara used but that Eliza invented helped a lot. Also, they used other places and not just the stage but used their magical skills in a very good way. I felt the song as the closest to the song Idols more typically, it wasn’t my favorite but it’s okay, it does the job very well. The song title is easy to remember, it’s just a 7 with several zeros on the right. I really think they deserve the color yellow and even something else.
Nothing can go wrong with salt
I swear to you the yellow one really deserves it, its presentation was impeccable and with surprises (at least compared to what we have already seen). And yes, the end result was to be expected with them jumping from ceiling to ceiling and traveling through other districts, which also included other districts. In the end, this letter is no surprise; a chain of sequences with their consistency was expected. What are the girls gonna do now? If they subtract the points from other counties, are they still okay? The second question may never be answered; we will learn the first in the next chapter.
It left us some tension in the end, these girls are unlucky, very, very unlucky. With a few more chapters, we’ll see what happens, though I don’t think anything bad is going to happen or even Magical record.