The news for Super Dragon Ball Heroes continues: after adding the original characters to the series, we're pointing out the new unreleased opening that will debut in the episode of Big Bang Mission.

The Saiyans were born from the head of Akira Toriyama have managed to reach the infamous fourth level, this new power will be essential to defeat Janemba and the demonic scientist known as Fu for good. The Twitter user @DBSHype He then shared a message on the famous social platform that featured the new anime theme song that shows us some of the future events. At the bottom of the news you can find the video that also explains how Goku and Vegeta managed to gain their new strength. The message was immediately moderately successful, reaching more than fifteen thousand views and more than a thousand likes.

According to several fans of the series, this is the only way the two protagonists will be able to defeat Fu, who called on some of Dragon Ball's most famous villains, such as: Metal cooler, Super 17, Turles and Bojack. Finally, we point out this news in the Super Dragon Ball Heroes Manga, which in the last issue introduced a new and mysterious opponent for Goku, Vegeta and the others.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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