The prequel episodes of the trilogy by war of starsAccording to many, they would not do justice to the first works of the George Lucas saga. Good or bad, these films are burned into the collective imagination, especially of younger fans.

In the latest edition of the Star Wars comic series published by Marvel Comics, you can see a quote in The Phantom Menace. We remember the young Anakin’s race against Zebulba, after his defeat and the destruction of his vehicle it is published in a disappointed exclamation “Poodoo”.

The comic book takes up this quote from the perspective of Luke Skywalker. who is in an awkward trap and uses the same phrase mentioned above. It doesn’t end there because the comic also pays homage to the clones’ attack.

Within the feature film Anakin explains to Padme the origin of his intolerance to sand. caused by his traumatic experience on the planet Tattooine. In the comic, however, Luke is on a beach with R2D2 and announces his boundless love for it.

Star Wars: The intense clash between Rey and Kylo Ren becomes an anime. Star Wars: The High Republic has been postponed to 2021: new release dates available.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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