The excellent reception of the anime Trigun: Stampede, reboot of the series created by Yasuhiro Nightow, which became a cult of animation at the end of the '90s, prompted the Funko company to invest in the first series of figures dedicated to the humanoid Typhoon, his companions and antagonists. Let's see all the details.

While Wondercona convention organized annually in Los Angeles that attracts many fans of science fiction, comics, anime and manga, many new funko pops from the world of Japanese animation were presented, including the very first products related to the Trigun universe.

Waiting for new information about final part of anime rebootwhich has already featured an amazing preview poster, here are all the Funko Pops that were unveiled during the event and are set to launch in Summer 2023. As you can see from the promotional images shown below, there are six characters from the series that have received a Funko release, ie Vash, in two different versions, Meryl, Milly, Wolfwood and Knives.

Five of the featured characters are already available for pre-order on Entertainment Earth's website, while the alternate version of Vash with the unique orange glasses is already available for pre-order exclusively for Chase. Let us know what you think of this new Funko Pop collection dedicated to the world of anime in the comments.

Before we say goodbye, we remind you that new Boruto Funko Pops will arrive in the summer, including the first Naruto in Baryon mode, and we will let you discover which are the two characters featured in the finale of Trigun: Stampede were introduced.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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