As expected in the last few months, in the new series dedicated to the expanded universe of war of stars, or The High RepublicWe will witness a story that took place 200 years before the adventures in the Skywalker saga, in which Master Yoda will play an important role. She recently appeared in the first drafts published on the official website.

In the time of the High Republic, the Jedi were extremely powerfulThey managed to maintain peace in many systems while resisting the power of the Sith. However, it was a time of expansion and dangerous expeditions for the Jedi Order that put the lives of several Padawans and Masters at risk and sent them there Explore the Outer Rim Territories.

By that time, Yoda had already established himself as one of the best Masters in the Order, and as you can see in the table at the bottom of the page, he was actively adopting along with students who had recently made their way to the Light Side of Power take part in the missions. In the depicted scene Yoda is on his ship The Star Hopperwho will be contacted immediately for a rescue mission and is closest to the accident area. The master immediately tries to reassure the students on board, telling them that whatever the problem is, the Force will guide them.

The story is told by the Padawan Lula Talisolawho likes his companions tries to maintain a courageous demeanor despite the fear of what to expect. Although Yoda looks the same as in the canon saga, one can still notice the lack of white hair around the ears. Remember that the new novels of the saga will be published by Panini Comics and we will leave them to the terrible enemies of the Jedi who will appear in the High Republic.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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