With the arrival of Shonen Jump +, the Shueisha publishing house has launched into a new market that has thus allowed some authors to unleash different stories than usual. The digital platform saw the launch of Spy x Family, manga written and designed by Tatsuki Endo.
Right from the start Spy x Family broke through the public, making the protagonist Anya viral and winning several prizes including the Kono Manga ga Sugoi 2019 and being nominated for others. The sales numbers of Spy x Family are high and all this with an ever increasing popularity. It is no coincidence therefore if it is one of the most eligible names to receive an anime.
And it seems that an animated transposition is really in the works, at least according to a rumor launched by YonkouProductions and Somoskudasai. According to the first details, the Spy x Family anime will arrive in 2022 given the still youth of the manga and of course other information on the production, including the studio, cast and staff who will work on it, will be postponed in due course.
The rumor may not come unexpectedly for some, as it is more a question of when than if. In waiting for an official announcement for the anime of Spy x Family, we can only advise you to read the manga available for free on MangaPlus.
Spy x Family anime being planned (gonna be a while away)
- YonkouProductions (@YonkouProd) May 26, 2020
If I confirm the product of an adaptation to the anime of the manga escrito and ilustrado por Endo Tatsuya, "Spy x Family". The series se estrenará en 2022 y aún no se revelan detalles de producción. pic.twitter.com/ooKMXkx88P
- Kudasai (@somoskudasai) May 27, 2020