The longest original saga ofBoruto Anime: Naruto the Next Generations, is about to find a worthy conclusion. Team 7 and Team 5 will be able to return to Leaf Village in a few episodes. Here are the summaries of episodes 253 to 256.
started on January 23, 2022 with episode 233the narrative arc of the Great Battle in the Land of Water ends at the end of June. This adventure, which kept viewers company for five long months and became the most enduring original saga of all time, concludes with the airing of episode 255. The finale of the Boruto saga is upon us.
After Team 7's attempt at peace in Boruto 252, the boys will try to talk Ikada out of it at the next appointment War in the Village of Mist. However, the new leader of the Funato will refuse unless Boruto is willing on certain terms.
In Episode 254, "A Spiral of Vengeance", scheduled for June 19, Boruto will accept this Ikada's suggestion. The war will stop, but only if the Seventh Hokage's son is willing to give up his own life.
The final episode of the saga will be 255, "A Troubling Unsolved Problem". In the course of the episode we will find out whether the war is really over if the ninja of Konoha can return home.
A new original episode debuts in July, this time focusing on Cho Cho and Inojin. The two decide to help out a famous ramen restaurant. Will they be able to complete the special recipe for this delicious dish?