A leak in networks assured that the manga was written and illustrated Negi Haruba, Sentai Daishikaku (Go Go Loser Rangers!), will have an anime adaptation that will be released in Japan in 2023. The leak didn’t reveal any production details, so official confirmation will have to be awaited soon. It is worth remembering that Haruba is also the author of the successful multimedia franchise of Gotoubun no Hanayome (The quintessential quintuplets).

Sentai Daishikaku

Haruba started publishing the manga in the magazine Weekly Shōnen Magazine from the publisher Kodansha in February 2021, and the publisher released the seventh anthology in Japan on October 17. His main work Gotoubun no Hanayomewas published in the same magazine between August 2017 and February 2020 and inspired two anime adaptations and a feature film.

Summary for Sentai Daishikkaku

Thirteen years ago, the Villainous Army of Evil suddenly appeared on their gigantic floating castle at 10,000 meters to invade the earth! The villainous army has revival abilities that make them immortal, making them a serious threat to humanity. To protect us from these invaders, the Divine Dragon Rangers, the guardians of the dragon, use their miraculous powers and weapons, the Divine Tools, and continuously fight for our safety! The attack of the rogue army! The Vigilance of the Dragon Wardens! Will they succeed in their conquest? Find out in the action-packed superhero series of a lifetime!

Font: SUGOI Lite

© 春場ねぎ (著) / KODANSHA 講談社

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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