The war of succession continues Hunter X Hunter, the manga by Yoshihiro Togashi, returned to Weekly Shonen Jump after a hiatus of several years. So all the remaining princes of Kakin’s realm must return to face off in a deadly challenge, with some having more advantages than others.
That fifth prince is Tubeppa, an elegant-looking woman with short hair and a square face. As the daughter of Duazul and therefore sister to Camilla, she is an eminence in Kakin with good political power, albeit not on par with her older brothers given the age difference. Her first appearance in Hunter x Hunter is associated with a scientific environment and therefore Tubeppa appears to be one of the most intelligent offspring of Nasubi Hui Guo Rou.
At the moment, Tubeppa is one of the few who hasn’t shown any special fighting skills. However, his Guardian Beast is well evolved and has an ability to do so it ties much to the nature of Tubeppa. This species of giant chameleon is in fact a transmuter, allowing you to change the nature and effects of chemicals. And still like Tubeppa, he’s proven multiple times in Hunter x Hunter that he has a cautious and suspicious nature.