After being drafted into Public Safety Squad 4 and meeting his teammates, Denji is ready for his main mission. The protagonist of chainsaw man He is on the trail of the Pistol Devil, whom he has sworn to kill in exchange for whatever he wants.

The hunt has begun in Chainsaw Man 1×05. Aki, Himeno, Denji, Power, Kobeni and Arai are there Search for Fel Pistol Fragments and one of them is in a motel. Before entering and starting the mission, Himeno starts a challenge: whoever finds the coveted object first will be kissed with her tongue by her. Denji is obviously thrilled to receive such a lavish prize.

However, in the sixth episode of Chainsaw Man, the protagonists end up in the Trap of the devil of eternity, which banished them to the eighth floor of the building, blocking time. Reinforcements will therefore not arrive and the hunters are starving with no way out. Before that happens, however, Kobeni and Arai go insane and attempt to kill Denji, sealing the deal offered by the devil.

Aki sides with Denji, who sees him as the only one who can help him kill the Devil Gun. However, the protagonist is tired of the situation and decides to transform and plunge into the enemy’s jaws.

In Chainsaw Man 1×07, Denji gets involved in a savage battle with the devil of eternity. The outcome is uncertain but we can see it in the preview image at the end of the article collect Himeno’s reward. However, his first French kiss will turn out to be real disgusting nightmare.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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