In our large and rich industry, there are often productions - paper and animation - that just a few months after their release are enriched by various parallel products such as spin-offs, films, video games and of course, countless devices that can appeal to collectors.

Virtually every successful franchise has its own themed products, and among the many names that could come to mind is the Epic of Pokémon. In hindsight, the brand is probably one of the most important and popular entertainment products ever created. She is known all over the world and is praised by millions and millions of fans, as evidenced by the fan art and themed cosplay that arrive every day. on the Internet.

Obviously, such a famous series couldn't fail to show off its myriad of themed gadgets, and only recently the guys at Monster Studio even wanted to launch the attack with a great Pokémon-themed character specially dedicated to Pidgeot, one of so many name fans know it for sure. As can be seen from the pictures at the end of the news, the work is characterized by a large number of details shows the Pokémon making one of its attackswith an end result that offers a dynamic that is far from obvious. According to the company, the product can currently be pre-ordered at a price of 195 euros (excluding shipping costs), while the release has been set for the first quarter of 2021.

Before we say goodbye, let's remind you that the last episode of Pokémon Explorations was a flashback that delighted many nostalgic fans.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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