Over the course of 25 years and more than 1000 episodes of the Pokémon anime series, Ash Ketchum has faced a difficult and challenging path to become the best trainer in the world. Now the crowning glory has arrived in the top 8 in the world Pokemon: Explorations However, it seems his career will end without a big reunion.

there Ketchum Climb It was exciting and filled with returnees from the regions visited in the past, but the writers decided to focus on a small team of Pokemon alongside Ash, rather than bringing some monsters known in the past into the stadiums and on bring back the battlefield. This can, especially if you think about it, be perceived as a general shortcoming of the current season the various rumors and theories regarding Ash’s possible abandonmentwho, after reaching the heights of the greatest world competition, could decide to cede the baton to Goh.

The team that Ash formed to attend and participate in that World Coronation Series is undoubtedly one of the most powerful seen in anime, but some of the previous companions could be just as strong and make for a win, just think about it his Charizard managed to defeat Articuno, and his Sceptile, the mysterious Darkrai. Still, Ash used the same Pokemon throughout the tournament, although the rules don’t require it to do so. What do you think about it? They feel it’s a missed opportunity not to bring that back Ash’s historical companions at the end of his career? Tell us in the comments.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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