The cartoon Pokémon Exploration led us to Go, not a simple travel companion for Ash Ketchum, but a real main protagonist. After twenty-three seasons, we may prepare to say goodbye to Ash. But what should Go do in order not to repeat his journey?
Throughout his career, Ash has always tried to become the best trainer in the world by capturing and befriending very powerful Pokémon and defeating the best rivals in every Pokémon region. However, something that he never did is there Search for legendaries. This could be exactly the method used to distinguish Go’s journey from Ash’s.
However, as we all know, the legendary Pokémon are fundamental to the ecosystem and to the Well-being of the Pokémon world. Therefore, capturing is an action that can lead to important consequences. In addition, they will only join a managerial team if they deem it worthy. Is Go ready to take this step and be accepted?
In the course of the animated series, the protagonists came across one Zapdos and Go immediately tried to catch him and immediately paid great attention to these special pocket monsters. However, the electric guy Legendary managed to break free in flight and escape before being caught by a Poké Ball. A first failed attempt.
During the narrative arc that crossed the plot of the Pokémon Sword & Shield video games and then took us to the Galar region, Ash and Go find themselves in front of Eternatus. In order for the Galar ecosystem to work, this legendary has to sleep forever. When he is awake his powers actually flow out uncontrollably. With the help of Zacian and Zamazenta, the two manage to defeat him, and Go even manages to catch him. Once registered in the Pokédex, however, theor for free.
Another impressive encounter with a legendary was that with Suicune, who had been wounded by bandits. To save him, Go throws a Poké Ball at him and the monster can be captured. After numerous ups and downs, the young coach finally decides to free him, but Suicune refuses and chooses to do so stay by his side. However, this legendary is the protector of the forest and moving away could endanger the surrounding nature. It was precisely for this reason that the authors allowed Suicune, with a narrative decision harshly criticized by Pokémon fans, to leave and re-enter the sphere with which Go had captured him at will.
Is this just the first of many legendary Pokémon catches? Go is a pure boy and is constantly improving his coaching skills. As accepted by Suicune, other legendaries might choose to Join him Capturing this legendary Pokémon may have changed the anime forever. In the meantime, here’s what awaits us in the next few episodes of Pokémon Explorations.