Every writer tends to develop his trait during the years of serialization, all the more so when the appointment between the pages of a particular magazine affects weekly or monthly and over a long period of time. Akira Toriyama’s style has changed a lot while writing from Dragon ball.
Today, the future of the series is in the hands of Toyotaro, who is slowly finding more courage and autonomy to inherit the franchise. A long transition phase, which we have come to appreciate today despite Akira Toriyama’s support, is particularly evident in the script phase. Anyway, the last new character design we could admire was that of Goku Ultra Perfect Instinct, a shape that is very popular with fans of DB super.
An artist, a certain one, in honor of this popularity Lobo Arttried to reinterpret Goku’s performance in honor of the past, especially before that Toriyama Sensei gradually began to develop his style. The result in question, which you can admire at the bottom of the news, provides interesting food for thought, as Goku looks very different from what we know him today, with a significantly less angular and rounded stroke and less pronounced muscles.
And you, instead, what do you think of this graphical representation, do you like this homage to the past? As always, let us know with a comment below.
Yes Toriyama no hubiese evolucionado su estilo con los años … imagino que el UltraInstinto se hubiese seen parecido a esto en el manga … ¿que opinais? It imposes mas or menos that el actually?
– LoboArt (@ lobo85art) April 15, 2021
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