Yusuke Murata is very active on his Twitter profile, often publishing his magnificent illustrations or keeping his readers updated on the status of the manga of One-Punch-Man. In the past few hours the artist has communicated that, being at work on volume 22, the next chapter of the work will not be released later this week.
Murata, in fact, will be busy redesigning the battle between Child Emperor and Phoenix Man, and since his perfectionist approach has given us extraordinary tables so far, it is certainly a good reason to wait longer for the next release.
The chapter in which the spectacular clash between the two characters is staged is 99, and we can hypothesize several reasons why Murata decided to rework his work. One, the author of the manga, may not have been satisfied with the progress of the battle, asking the artist to revisit it.
Another reason certainly concerns the need to stage the fight with greater cleaning and detail. Even though One-Punch Man is not a weekly manga, the workload that Murata is forced to manage does not allow him to integrate all the details he would like in the first draft of the chapter.
Therefore, as the reference volume arrives on the market, the mangaka finishes its work and integrates it with unpublished details.
In one of his latest performances, Yusuke Murata has revived one of the antagonists with a new design. The artist's statements on the Demon Slayer manga have not met with the favor of all readers, with most of them criticizing him on his Twitter profile.
お 待 た せ し て お り ま す. 今 週 も 22 巻 の 単 行 本 作業 が あ る の で 更新 は お 休 み さ せ て い た だ き ま す. 現在 童 帝 対 フ ェ ニ ッ ク ス 男 戦 の 改 変 を し て い ま す. 書 き 上 が り 次第 丸 々 差 し 代 わ っ て こ の 旧 バ ー ジ ョ ンは 番外 編 ペ ー ジ に 移動 す る と 思 い ま す. そ の 際 は 比較 し て 楽 し ん で い た だ け れ ば.https://t.co/n6sMEp39BA
- 村田 雄 介 (@NEBU_KURO) May 14, 2020