As you certainly know, the great epic of One-Punch Man it has quickly become one of the most appreciated productions of the last few years on the market, all thanks to a paper work and then through an animated adaptation that has contributed to further expand the fan base of the franchise.
Although the second season of the anime series has now come to an end – with a third season that, for the moment, has not yet been confirmed -, the paper work is continuing its race from chapter to chapter. Recently, however, delays have occurred related to the revisiting of some scenes not sufficiently convincing in the eyes of One and Yusuke Murata, respectively creator and designer of the work.
Well, Yusuke Murata has recently used his Twitter account to update all his fans on the current state of play. Going more specifically, the designer made it known that after an initial slowdown, the situation has now returned to normal, with the works continuing rapidly. In this sense, Murata has also made it known that he is currently working on the cover of the future chapter of the manga, which will go back to another cover of the production that at the moment the public has not yet had the opportunity to view.
Just recently, moreover, always Murata had published on Twitter a sketch dedicated to the next chapter of One-Punch Man. In addition, in the last few weeks One has also returned to the limelight after trying to create an animation for One-Punch Man , with results that a lot of fans enjoyed.
な か な か 更新 で き ず す み ま せ ん. 目下 単 行 本 作業 中 で す. し ば し お 待 ち く だ さ い.
– 村田 雄 介 (@NEBU_KURO) May 22, 2020
22 巻 は ほ ぼ 全 話 に 渡 っ て 内容 に 加 筆 修正 が 入 る の と, 22~24 巻 も 19~21 巻 と 同 じ く 絵 を 繋 げ ら れ る 仕 様 の カ バ ー に な り ま す.
お 楽 し み に!