The story arc of the country Wa shapes the world of ONE PIECE . While Luffy grapples with Sumo Inferno, Zoro found Onimaru in Udon prison, who became the protagonist for some episodes and was looking for his sword Shusui, which had suddenly been lost, and then a mysterious murderer.

While Zoro grapples with the surprisingly experienced Onimaru, two women come to end the fight Komurasaki, daughter of Kozuki Oden and Tokowho run away in panic from a man who wants to kill them.

The man in question is an old acquaintance of the world of ONE PIECE and belongs to the worst generation: It is the Pirates of Kidd killer who has made a pact with Kurozumi Orochi to free his captain Eustass Kidd. With a call KamazoThe pirate seems to have perfected his techniques, and once Zoro sees him approaching women, he doesn't hesitate to help them.

The result of the battle is a fantastic sequence of shots, divinely animated, as you can see at the bottom of the page, in the video that @abiw_ shared on Twitter. Zoro doesn't seem to be in trouble, but the lack of the third sword could be critical to the clash.

Remember that Zoro will also be the protagonist of episode 934 and that chapter 985 of ONE PIECE anticipated major changes for the entire pirate world.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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