During the manga of ONE PIECE The anime continues to show us the parallel stories of the Mugiwara in the land of Wa before they actually reunite. However, in the final episode we saw a reunion between two beloved characters that surprised and amused fans.
The most significant event seen in the anime recently was the execution of Tonoyasu at the hands of the terrible Orochiand little Otoko’s reaction to her father’s lifeless body. After the shogun threatened the girl with death, Zoro and Sanji intervene simultaneously.
The two are quite surprised by this encounter and, as usual, immediately start insulting each other. Episode 942 starts with the clip that you can find in the post below on the news shared by @ dieem131. Like the rest of the Mugiwara, Zoro and Sanji also entered the Wano vibe perfectly with new looks that they use insult with the nicknames “Brovgoro” and “Mossjuro”referring to the cook’s eyebrows and swordsman’s hair.
In short, the relationship between the two hasn’t changed in the least over the years, and even if it could get out of context given the dramatic situation, Oda managed to put in that comic curtain that amused fans. Remember a fan made a manga, what if Kaido arrives at Marineford and we leave you a beautiful cosplay of Nami dressed as Kunoichi.
Another episode where Zoro and Sanji argue. Marimo and Mr. Hanadji show their chemistry after 6 years. ππ# onepiece942 pic.twitter.com/cWI4urk51a
– πΆππ πΌπππππππππ (@ dieem131) 20th September 2020