With the ending of the Naruto Manga first and the animated series Boruto: Naruto the next generations Then Masashi Kishimoto developed a notable change in appearance in many characters. As they went from adolescence to adulthood, even became parents or played important roles, their appearance became more mature.
But for some Naruto and Boruto fans, this change is not good. There have been many who have tried to modify Naruto and the other characters to bring them back to a previous haircut or something similar. This time instead It was Gaara’s turn, with Phennic90 fan posting his creation on Reddit.
The Kazekage had longer, wavy red hair during the Naruto Shippuden era, a cut that seemed both pleasing and convincing. In Boruto: Naruto the Next Generations, on the other hand, they became sleek and slightly shorter, which made Gaara’s expression extremely serious. The fan then decided to do it Partially overlap the editing of Naruto Shippuden with that of Boruto: Naruto the Next Generations, you will get the effect you can see below.
Another fan instead tried to overlay the grown-up Sasuke and Itachi, while someone else preferred to go beyond Boruto: Naruto the Next Generations, to show what Sarada and Boruto will be like in the future.
Hellloooo, the best request was Gaara. So here is the adult Gaara redrawn in the early Naruto Shippuden style. It was also asked that I change his hairstyle so I loosened it and removed the products. Hope you like. 🙂 🙂 [Mine on right] by r / Naruto