The ONE PIECE Anime ventures into the Past of the world seen through the eyes of Oden Kozuki. The legendary samurai of Wano is the protagonist of the last episodes, with his past in the land of isolation and the moment when he finally managed to get to the sea. In his desire to explore the world, he met many powerful characters.

In addition to Whitebeard, who welcomed him to his crew, Oden Kozuki also briefly ran into Gol D. Roger, the future king of the pirates. Though quickly blown away, Oden later joins the legend Battle between Whitebeard’s crew and Roger’s crew, observed in ONE PIECE 966. The anime available on Crunchyroll actually compared the strongest and most recognizable elements of the two groups.

In the above video extracted from the episode in question, we not only see Roger VS Whitebeard, but also Oden VS Scopper Gaban, Shanks and Buggy escape various attacks, the strength of Jaws and Marco VS Silvers Rayleigh. Not to mention all the other more or less known exponents. In the same episode, however, we see Oden joining Roger’s crew to continue his dream.

Who are the strongest pirates in Roger’s crew?

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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