The fight in Onigashima continues and it seems far from over. The The clashes between the Kaido pirates and the Straw Hat pirates are just beginningwith some of the protagonists of ONE PIECE who have not yet found their final confrontation. And there are still characters who temporarily stand on the sidelines and can suddenly jump out.

While the Nine Red Sheaths encounter the false ode Kozuki, created by a dying Kanjuro but more determined than ever to kill Momonosuke and die like a Kurozumi, the clash between the two emperors still takes place at the head of the Onigashima -Dome instead of worst generation.

The ONE PIECE Chapter 1009 will be released on MangaPlus on Sunday April 4th, at 6 p.m. and no longer at 5 p.m. due to the change in daylight saving time. But what will happen in the next chapter? Given the ending of the last issue, it is possible that Luffy and the others manage to implement the plan of dividing the two emperors in order to face them separately. But who will face one and the other remains a mystery.

There will be room for the rest of Onigashima too, and Oda might choose to dedicate another page to the situation of Momonosuke and Yamatoas has been the case for several chapters. It is also necessary to understand which direction Sanji was moving in order to see who will be the real opponent of the cook.

What do you expect from? ONE PIECE 1009?

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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