After a few months of waiting, the release date of the second and final part of the series of two films has been confirmed Fate / Grand Order – Divine Realm of the Round Table: Camelot. The film will appear in Japanese cinemas in the first days of May, as confirmed by the trailer and the key visual recently released on social networks.
As reported in the two posts shared by @ FGOAP_ep6 on Twitter at the bottom of the page, The subtitle of the film is Paladin, Agateram and what was seen in the first part, wandering; Agateram, continues, continuing the story of the Sixth Singularity, an event originally introduced in the Fate / Grand Order series of smartphone video game on which many of the narrative developments of The Films are based.
Many are the voice actors who were involved in the making of the Film produced by Production IG, who entrusted Kazuto Arai with the direction, while the animation was in charge of the group managed by Takashi Takeuchi, leading actor animated transpositions from the Fate franchise and by Mieko Hosoi. At this time, no information on the film’s arrival in Europe has been defined while the trailer has been specified Debut in Japanese theaters on May 8th.
Remember, the entire Fate series is available on Netflix, and we’re leaving you with a great illustration dedicated to Saber.
【本 予 告 映像 を を】# 劇場版 FGO キ ャ メ ロ ロ ッ 後 編 「paladin; Agateram 」の 本 予 告 映像 映像 公開 公開 た た し ま し た。
– Fate / Grand Order – (@ FGOAP_ep6) March 27, 2021
劇場版 FGO キ ャ メ ロ ッ ト 後 は 5 月 8 月 (日) 公開 で す。
T う ぞ お 楽 し み に thttps: // # FGO_ep6 # キ ャ メ ロ ッ ッ
【メ イ ン ビ ジ ュ ア ル を 公開】# 劇場版 FGO キ ャ メ ロ ロ ッ 後 編 「paladin; Agateram
– Fate / Grand Order – (@ FGOAP_ep6) March 27, 2021
Https:// # FGO_ep6 # キ ャ メ ロ ッ ッ