On the official site for the animated adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Atto, Not not biyori, the details and the cover art of the first Blu-ray / DVD compilation package of the third season of the project, entitled Non Non Biyori Nonstopwhich will go on sale in Japan on March 24th.

This bundle contains episodes 1 to 3 of this third season. The Blu-ray version costs 9,000 yen (about $ 86) and the DVD version costs 8,000 yen (about $ 77). Benefits include a booklet with illustrations, part of the soundtrack, and a priority pass to purchase a ticket to an upcoming franchise event.

The series has aired in Japan since January 10 and is confirmed with a total of twelve episodes. For its part, Atto publishes the manga through the magazine Monthly comic alive from the publisher Kadokawa since September 2009. The first season with twelve episodes premiered in October 2013, followed by the second season in July 2015 and a film in August 2018.

Production team

  • Shinya Kawatsura ((Ginyuu Mokushiroku My love again, Kokoro Connect, Stella no mahou) is responsible for directing the anime in the studios SILVER LINK.
  • Reiko Yoshida ((Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm, art, Girls and tanks) is responsible for writing and monitoring the scripts
  • May ootsuka ((Astarotte no omocha!, Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki, Houkago no Pleiades) is responsible for the character design.
  • The Japanese duo nano.RIPE plays the opening song entitled "Tsugi wa Gimoyou" while the voice actresses Kotori Koiwai, Rie Murakawa, Ayane Sakura Y. Kana Asumi You play the final theme entitled "Tadaima".

Non Non Biyori Synopsis

Asahigaoka town can be a bit typical and boring for most; Thanks to the presence of five students of different ages occupying the only class in the only school in town, no day in this place can be considered bitter.

The youngest student is first grader Renge Miyauchi, who brings with her curiosity and wit and her characteristic catchphrase: "Nyanpasu!" Then there are the Koshigaya siblings that they are, silent ninth grader and older brother Suguru, little eighth grade Komari, and mischievous seventh grade Natsumi. Newcomer Hotaru Ichijou, who seems overdeveloped for her age and has a touch of maturity, rounds out this lively and lively group of five classmates.

Source: official page

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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