The work written and drawn by Kohei Horikoshi, My hero academia , has just completed six years of publication in Weekly Shonen Jump magazine and with incredible success numerous and interesting projects have been made and announced, such as a live-action transposition, theatrical productions and even a spin-off manga.

So it wouldn't be surprising to see maybe even a short film or even one Feature film made entirely in 3DCGwhich then brings back the adventures of Izuku Midoriya and his Class 1A companions against the villain who is constantly threatening the public peace.

Over the past few weeks we've been showing you some 3DCG models of some of the Yuei High School students, and the artist who created them, known on Instagram as @hkoskine, created them this time a terrifying and realistic shigaraki, even if it does not fully respect the original design developed by Horikoshi. At the bottom of the news you can find the post with four images dedicated to one of the series' main antagonists.

The fan managed to convey it perfectly the restlessness that characterizes the tormented character from the start by Tomura Shigaraki. We remind you that the spoilers of chapter 283 of My Hero Accademia have already surfaced on the net and leave to a beautiful Little Pixels cosplay dedicated to little Eri.

See this post on Instagram

Tomura Shigaraki. "I'm angry at this world that classifies the same violent acts as heroic or malicious and decides what is good and what is bad." It took a surprisingly long time to make Tomura. The scars and details on the hands took a lot of effort. I want to make him look handsome, have the usual bishounen aesthetic, but at the same time cruel and mean ... oh, and his lovely, wrinkled face will soon be revealed. I hope you like him! Thanks everyone for the feedback and messages. I may not answer all of them, but I always read them. Another hero poll is imminent! #Digitalart #instaart #visdev #substancepainter #characterdesign # 3d # digital3d # 3drendering #coronarenderer #zbrush #mha #myheroacademia

A post by Hannu Koskinen (@hkoskine) about:

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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