As the manga series' epilogue draws near, the return of Izuku Midoriya to the pages of My Hero Academia stirs a doubt that has long plagued the fan base. Why Deku never wears his mask?

In the Hero Society, students who want to become professional heroes must invent their own battle IDs and design costumes. At the beginning of the work we see Izuku Midoriya pay tribute to his mentor All Might and design a very simple green costume with a bizarre hood that references the peace symbol's hairstyle and smile. More like a creepy bunny than All Might, Deku wears this mask in his early releases only to forget about it. Here we leave you a small detail about the first Midoriya costume in My Hero Academia.

Although his costume was later improved and fitted with various supporting accessories throughout the work We only see Deku with the mask very few times: in pairs training against Bakugo and Iida when training alongside Mirio and then in his darkest period.

The reason Deku never wears his mask is a very specific decision by author Kohei Horikoshi. Hide your protagonist's face in a shonen manga series it is considered taboo. The audience must be able to perceive the emotions of the character through their facial expressions. In addition, any fight fought with the mask down will tear it off. For practical reasons, and considering that Deku is currently at war, it wouldn't make sense to have her repaired every time. And how do you prefer Deku, with or without a mask?

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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