My Hero Academia it is a product that has not limited itself to generating a fan base of fans in Japan, but has extended, very suddenly, its popularity even overseas. There are several reasons to justify this process.
Koehi Horikoshi’s work is made up of several western-style narrative influences, on all those of Marvel and DC Comics superheroes, who represent real cultural giants in America, just think of the overwhelming success of cinecomics over the past few years.
It is no surprise, therefore, that My Hero Academia has taken root wonderfully on his American, and the latest New York Times ranking only confirms this trend. Despite being a very recent volume, the second tankobon of My Hero Academia has conquered the fifteenth position of the best selling graphic novels of the month of May.
Several manga, in previous rankings, have managed to establish themselves. We cite, for example, the volume 6 of Dragon Ball Super – fourteenth in the October ranking, and One-Punch Man – eleventh in the April ranking. The name of My Hero Academia, however, has been recurring in previous rankings, with the first volume arriving eleventh in December and eighth in January, and volume 21 even third in November.
The first spoilers of chapter 270 of My Hero Academia reveal unexpected implications. Horikoshi celebrated the arrival of Golden Week with a drawing by Uraraka and Tsuyu.