Spinner's sacrifice proved fundamental in turning the tide of a battle that now seemed poised for outright victory for the heroes. The awakening of Kurogiri actually made it possible for the villains My hero academy to launch a fearsome counterattack that brought the situation back to par.

Present Mic got the chance Save Kurogiri by bringing his friend Shirakumo back to life. That possibility was denied by Spinner, who with his final act allowed the former Shigaraki and All For One right-hand man to spring back into action. But maybe Present Mic didn't totally fail.

While Gentle Criminal saves the Yuei Flying Fortress for the world to see, My Hero Academia 380's heroes must face off against Himiko Toga's Sad Man's Parade. Twice's army of replicas somehow pulls it off pounce on Present Mic and Eraserhead, knocking the two pro heroes off the structure. In free fall and with no one to save them, the duo of friends are saved by a providence.

In the grip of a terrible mental confusion, Kurogiri appears in midair among the two friends to take them away through one of his portals. Somehow, The personality of Oboro Shirakumo took over. But will this event be enough to see the former rising hero of the Yuei once more, or will Eraserhead and Present Mic be forced to put an end to their late friend's life? The answer to this question may come to light with the release of My Hero Academia 381.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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