A popular Japanese comment forum reported that the anime Love life! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai ((Love life! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club) will be changed in its retransmission by Japanese television NHK. The censorship is not to a great extent as it has simply removed all references to any real brand that is on the series. (In all images, the original version is displayed first and then the modified version.)
本 放送 と E テ レ の 違 い
– (@narusasu_gamer) April 18, 2021
な か く 変 更 さ れ て る 気 な な な …
が ブ ン イ レ ブ ン の 所 が 9 に な っ て た り
ゲ ー マ ー ズ の G の が に C に な っ て る。
他 に も 何 か 変 更 点 あ り そ そ。#Love life # 虹 ヶ 咲 pic.twitter.com/I3nhybBvCC
他 の フ ォ ロ ワ ー さ ん も 指摘 し て た け ど 結構 差 し 替 替 え れ て た の の#Love life # 虹 ヶ 咲 pic.twitter.com/W7IZnCUe4k
– (@ omen_rider1) April 18, 2021
ホ ン マ や 、 、 入口
– No. 26) @ 1 1 1 ソ ソ 本 1 J1 @ @ @ @ @ た @ @ @ (@lovetinamanna) April 18, 2021
「JOYPOLIS (東京 ジ ョ イ ポ リ)))) も 消 え て る。# 虹 ヶ 咲 #E テ レ pic.twitter.com/g22vwVn8VQ
Among the Japanese comments, some stood out who tried to explain the situation:
- «It may be that the version sent by NHK occurs on a parallel time axis».
- «I was wondering if this is because NHK is not allowed to use company names and brands, you know, since it is public television …»
- «If that’s the only difference between the BD version and this NHK version, then it’s worth saving the cost».
- «Wow, I’m surprised they go out of the way to edit it all over again».
On the other hand, the series premiered in Japan in the Fall 2021 season (October-December) and had a total of thirteen episodes. In spite of Some promotions have already confirmed the production of a second season (as well as the background of other series in the franchise) was not officially announced.
Synopsis of Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai
The Idol Club is buried in the numerous clubs of Nijigasaki High School. While the club lacks popularity, it definitely doesn’t lack potential. During their debut, together with colleagues Ayumu Uehara and Yuu Takasaki, they were able to win a considerable audience.
The duo are delighted to be on their way to join the club. However, they are disappointed to learn that it has just been disbanded. Ayumu doesn’t believe things should end there, however, so they, along with Yuu, begin to restore the school’s idol club in hopes of recreating the accomplishments that once blinded them. Love life! Idol Doukoukai from Nijigasaki Gakuen School highlights the reformed idol club when they recruit the two former club members along with other newcomer girls. How will these girls take the first step towards their dreams and become famous in the world of idols?
Fountain: Otakomu
© 会 ロ ジ ェ ク ト ラ ブ ラ イ ブ! 虹 ヶ 咲 学園 ス ク ク ー ル ル イ ド ル 同好 同好 会