A press release announced that the manga was written and illustrated Miyuki Tonogaya, Koori Zokusei Danshi on Cool na Douryou Joshi (The Ice Guy and his cool colleague), will have an anime adaptation. The statement revealed the voice cast and production team, but didn't give a planned premiere date.
Tonogaya started releasing the manga through his social networks where it gained popularity and now it is released through the digital service. Gangan Pixiv. The sixth compilation volume was released on June 21 in Japan during the service funny takes care of sales in the west.
voice output
- Yui Ishikawa like Fuyutsuki.
- Chiaki Kobayashi like Himuro-kun.
production team
- mankyu (Sumikkogurashi - Good to be in the corner) is responsible for directing the anime at the studios Zero G in collaboration with the new studios bast (established in 2021).
- More information about the project will be revealed in a special broadcast scheduled for August 3, the protagonist's birthday.
Summary for Koori Zokusei Danshi an Cool na Douryou Joshi
Himuro-kun is a descendant of a snow woman family who just got a new job. However, despite his serious demeanor, he often manages snowmen or even storms when his emotions get the better of him. He has a crush on his colleague Fuyutsuki-san, who is quite nice, but he has such a crush that sometimes he can't help but freeze those around him. On the other hand, Fuyutsuki is also interested in Himuro-kun.
The series will develop around Himuro and Fuyutsuki's relationship through days at the office and corporate events. Can these clumsy lovebirds succeed in love?
Font: Weird Natalie
(c)Miyuki Tonogaya/SQUARE ENIX (c)殿ヶ谷美由記/SQUARE ENIX・氷属性製作委員会