On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga, written and illustrated by Ahoy Toro, Kai Byoui Ramune (also known as Dr. Ramune: Specialist in mysterious diseases) The first promotional video of the project has been released.
The series is slated to premiere in January 2021, and broadcasting outside of Japan has been left to the platform Crunchyroll. Aho Toro, in turn, publishes the manga in the magazine Shonen Sirius monthly from the publisher Kodansha since 2017. The publisher published the third compilation volume on August 8th.
- Yuma uchida like Ramune.
- Takuma Nagasuka like Kero.
- Kana Ueda like Ayame.
- Nobuhiko Okamoto like Nico.
Production team
- Hideaki ooba ((Boruto: Naruto Next Generations) is responsible for directing the anime in the studios Platinum vision.
- Ayumu Hisao ((Vicious line) is responsible for writing and monitoring the scripts.
- Yoko Sato ((Dog & scissors) is responsible for the character design.
- Tetsuro oda ((Mushibugyou, Busou Shinki) is responsible for composing the soundtrack.
- Yuuma uchida the opening song entitled “SHAKE! SHAKE! SHAKE! ”.
Kai Byoui Ramune Synopsis
As long as there are hearts in people, there will always be those who suffer. And then something "strange" comes into his mind and causes a strange disease to manifest in his body. The disease known as the "mysterious disease" is unknown to most, but it definitely exists. There is a doctor and an apprentice fighting against this disease which modern medicine cannot cure.
His name is Ramune. He acts freely all the time, has a bad mouth and doesn't even seem like a doctor! However, once faced with the disease, he can quickly discover the root cause of the deep-seated distress of his patients and cure them.
Source: Comic Natalie
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