Yoshihiro Togashi’s precarious health, who has been struggling with severe back problems for several decades, has forced Hunter x Hunter to take many breaks over time. Now the longest break has begun, but this week is drawing to a close: it’s almost here Resume the release of Hunter x Hunter.

The return of Hunter x Hunter to MangaPlus is expected in a few days, more precisely on Sunday, coinciding with the sale of the first issues of Weekly Shonen Jump in Japan. So we have to be prepared for the next ten chapters to be released within two and a half months. but How many chapters has Yoshihiro Togashi finished now??

The mangaka revisited the situation via his Twitter account. Chapter 396 is complete and ready for release while it is completed fixes for Hunter x Hunter 397, definitely done now. The situation is different with chapters 398 to 400, which are still being worked on.

Togashi then loses a few words about the digitization process who he says has increased his paper consumption, and also suggests a photo of his desk with manuscripts. Surely the mangaka will finish all chapters up to 400 on time, although we’ll have to wait and see if he’ll be able to make another ten Hunter x Hunter chapters soon.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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