Written and illustrated by on the official Twitter account for the anime adaptation of the manga Keisuke Itagaki, Hanma Baki (also known as Grappler Baki – son of the ogre) the first promotional video of the project was released.

The production decision for this series was previously leaked, so this is just the official announcement. On the other hand, this was also confirmed Netflix is responsible for the project but no release date or production details have been disclosed.

Itagaki published the manga in the magazine Weekly Shonen Champion from the publisher Akita Shoten between December 2005 and August 2012 with a total of 37 published compilation volumes. The story is the third part of the manga and focuses on the last meeting between Baki and his father Yujiro.

Recently a new season of animation was titled Bakiof 39 episodes produced by the studios TMS Entertainment, Headed by Toshiki Hirano and scripts from Tatsuhiko Urahata Premiere in June 2018, with a second season on June 4 in Netflix.

Synopsis by Grappler Baki

Baki Hanma was raised by his wealthy mother, Emi Akezawa, who also funded his martial arts training, in the hopes that he would become a mighty warrior like his father Yujiro Hanma in the future. At the beginning of the series, Baki overcomes traditional training and sets out to follow in his ruthless father’s footsteps. He meets powerful fighters, finally reaches his father and is easily beaten.

This experience will be the main goal in his life, to beat his father, for which he will have to improve his skills more and more.

Source: Comic Natalie

(c) 板垣 恵 介 (秋田 書店) / バ キ ッ ッ ッ 製作 委員会


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Sweety Otaku

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