During the Annecy International Animation Film Festival 2022, a very important event that has been taking place in France since 1960, the director of A Silent Voice presented the new project she is working on in collaboration with Science SARU. Here is the first picture of Garden of Remembrance by Naoka Yamada.
On the event's illustrious stage, Yamada and animation studio CEO Eunyoung Choi unveiled Garden of Remembrance, an anime film that will debut in 2023 and from which a key visual has already been shared. Science SARU is also working on Yurei Deco, which is scheduled for release on July 3rd.
According to what was revealed during the panel, the inspiration for the film comes when Eunyoung asks Yamada if she would like to work on a short film based solely on music. there Director of K-ON! and a silent voice, a huge music lover, responded positively by contacting singer-songwriter Lovely Summer Chan, who was in charge of the film's OST. The film will be of undoubted quality, Science SARU is among the most influential animation studios at the moment.
The work is dedicated not only to music, but also to femininity. Through Etsuko Mizusawa's concept designs, Yamada said, it will be possible to "feminine scent of a real girl". The poster that accompanied the announcement shows a female hand holding a brush. The drawing's portrait is a trio of Anemone, a purple, red, and blue flower.