PAWORKS, a Japanese animation studio, has announced the production of a new original anime film titled Komada Jouryuusho and Youkoso (Welcome to Komada Distillery) through a press release. The film is scheduled to premiere in Japan in November 2023 as part of the "oshigoto-series (Work Series)," which focuses on works that describe trades and professions in detail.

The Cast and Production Team

The voice cast for the film includes Saori Hayami as Ryuusei Komada, the heiress to a struggling distillery, Kenshō Ono as Kotarō Takahashi, a reporter who visits the company, Maaya Uchida as Tomoko Kawabata, and Yoshimasa Hosoya as Yasumoto.

Masayuki Yoshihara, known for directing Uchouten Kazoku and Bannou Yasai Ninninman, is in charge of directing the feature film at PAWORKS. Yukito Kizawa and Munemasa Nakamoto are in charge of writing and supervising the scripts, while Kousuke Kawatsura is in charge of character design and animation direction. Tatsuya Katō is in charge of composing the soundtrack.

Synopsis de Welcome to Komada Distillery

Welcome to Komada Distillery follows the story of Ryusei Komada, the young president of an alcohol distillation company who takes over the reins of the Komada Distillery in her hometown after the death of her father. With the popularity of Japanese-produced whiskey on the decline, she faces numerous challenges in trying to revive the company. However, things take a turn when Kotarō Takahashi, a reporter, visits the company, and the two begin to work together to save the distillery.


The production team behind Welcome to Komada Distillery is full of talented individuals who have worked on other popular anime such as Sword Art Online, SHIROBAKO, and Uchouten Kazoku. With such a strong team and an intriguing storyline, it is no doubt that the film will be a hit among anime fans.

Stay tuned for its release in November! 🎬🍸

(c)2023 KOMA復活を願う会/

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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