When it comes to anime and manga, The shonen category is undoubtedly one of the most popular of all, if not the most popular with Japanese and Western fans. Of course, the merit very often goes to the protagonists, courageous and heroic across all borders, but Which of the many is the fan favorite?

A Reddit user tried to answer this question by ranking it on the social section based on the votes of the users of the MyAnimeList portal. As many of you are aware, users can cast a vote to reward their favorite character in a particular anime. Therefore the ranking should be sufficiently representative. You can take a look at the results below.

Contrary to what many of you might think, The votes are not dependent on the size of the fan base. In fact, on the website, the anime with the most registered users is Death Note, but its protagonist has closed himself behind Luffy from ONE PIECE. Similarly, Gintoki has received more votes than Midoriya, although My Hero Academia has a registered fan base about five times larger than Gintama’s.

As for the results, all the familiar faces are in the leaderboard, from Luffy to Goku going through Naruto, Ichigo, and Natsu. There’s also room for Eren Jaeger in the list, as the first season of Attack of the Giants was mistakenly included in the Shonen category.

What do you think about it? Who is your favorite Let us know your first choice with a comment! Then, if you like this ranking, we recommend checking out the ranking reserved for the best female protagonist in a rom-com and the best co-star in an anime harem.

The Shounen Demographic main character ranking by number of fans on MAL # 1 by r / anime

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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