The world of Japanese animation is full of genres and subgenres, from pure shonen, characterized by continuous struggles and power-ups for the protagonists, to speakers like Slam Dunk and the newer Haikyu, but a genre that is becoming established and many Coming generations, like other industries, is that of the Mecha.
With stories that are mostly set in the future, deep characters and precise goals, the mecha genre has since the publication of works such as B. Conquered millions of fans around the world Mazinger Z and Goldrake, both works by Gō Nagai.
To improve even more the meaning of this kind of anime and manga, User @Jarred_desu shared the post on Twitter, which you can find at the bottom of the page, and asked which of the Mobile Suit Gundam, Code Geass, Gurren Lagan and Neon Genesis Evangelion is the best.
If there are many supporters among the answers to the work of Goro Taniguchi or Code Geass and Gurren Lagan, Evangelion is for many others above all for both the topics covered and the incredible design of EVA. However, Gundamwho has just turned 40, as one of the users emphasizes, can be found in the first place for historical relevance it had, definitely bring the genus to its climax.
Remember that a 1: 1 statue of Gundam is made in China and that the original Gundam series is available on Amazon Prime Video.
- Rei Gavinami, Borge King (@HouseofDewane), July 27, 2020
Code Geass
Gundam mobile suit: IBO
I watched about 10 episodes of Lagann and couldn't really go into them. The lack of a really solid story arc somehow scared me. It was a bit the same with kill la kill and in the end it was so great 🤷🏻♂️
Cooing shits hard into bed halfway and never really recovers. Just a good character was Kamina, who is absent most of the show, and Nia is one of the worst characters ever.
- Harold (@JinTrixx), July 28, 2020
Code Geass and Eva are both great, but I think Code Geass thinks it's a better ending.
EVA scared me and clamped a deep existential fear. All characters were unhappy, even if they acted differently. And humanity deserves its fate. It is a visual depression. A great cosmic horror story. But also one that could have been avoided if you had killed Gendo, a crazy maniac
- David D. Sanchez, occultist (@MarathonMage), July 28, 2020
Mobile Suit Gundam> all of them
- Quantum Kakarotto (@QuantumExia), July 27, 2020