The Japanese Broadcasting Critics Association announced the winners of the fifty-seventh edition of the Galaxy Awards on June 1. The 26-year-old voice actress, Sairi Itoh, who played Midori Asakusa in the anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Sumito Owara, Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! (also known as Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!), was awarded this year's award. In fact, this was his first character in his career.
This award was established by the Association in 1963 to honor television programs, individuals, and organizations that stand out with the goal of improving the quality of broadcasting and its content in Japan. As previously reported, the series had already been selected as one of the winners in the monthly selection in the March 2020 issue.
The council praised her performance on the series, as demonstrated in her final verdict: "Sairi Itoh, who has played numerous roles in television dramas in the past, displayed her incredible talent in voice acting to bring to life the charismatic character of Midori Asakusa, with her signature voice tone."
Then, Itoh herself shared a post on her Twitter account, expressing the following: "I am honored to receive the Individual Award at the 57th Galaxy Awards. I am very happy and I thank everyone. Even in the future, with all my effort, I will remember to be grateful for everything. I will continue my devotion to my work"
こ の 度 、 第 57 回 ギ ャ ラ ク シ ー 賞
個人 賞 を 受 賞 さ せ て い た だ き ま し た。
胸 が い っ ぱ い で す。
本 当 に あ り が と う ご ざ い ま す。
こ れ か ら よ り 一層
気 合 入 れ て 心 込 め て
何 よ り 感謝 を 忘 れ ず
日 々 精進 し て 参 り ま す。本 当 に 本 当 に
- 伊藤 沙莉 (@SaiRi_iTo) June 1, 2020
あ り が と う ご ざ い ま し た。
Owara began publishing the manga in the magazine Monthly Big Comic Spirits from the publisher Shogakukan in July 2016, and the publisher published the fifth compilation volume on January 30.
The work inspired a twelve-episode anime adaptation produced by the studios. Science SARU, under the direction of Masaaki Yuasa and scripts written by himself in conjunction with Yuuichirou Kido, released in January 2020.
Synopsis of Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na!
The story follows Midori, Tsubame, and Sayaka, an energetic trio of high school freshman girls who gather at the Eizo-ken (Video Research Club) to make their anime dreams a reality. Midori is nervous about creating an anime on her own. She meets Tsubame, who seems to be a well-off girl, but she really has a dream: to be a cheerleader. Sayaka, Midori's best friend, has a great sense of finances to carry out the project and joins the other two girls in search of their dreams.
Source: Crunchyroll
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