The ONE PIECE anime focuses on the second act of Wanokuni. The homeland of the samurai is in a difficult time due to the presence of Orochi and Kaido, and Luffy tasted this situation firsthand by being defeated and thrown in Udon prison. But there are those who have fought much longer than him.

L ‘Preview of ONE PIECE 938 What you can see in the tweet below starts with a man who is incarcerated and who is likely in a basement of the Orochi Castle. However, the eyelashes do not break the laugh of the man who a few seconds later is recognized as Tonoyasu. In prison, Luffy continues to fight in the Queen’s prepared arena, while Brook is shocked when Zoro and Hiyori sleep together.

But something else seems to upset the group when little Otoko runs away in a hurry with a strange expression on her face and tears from her eyes. In the final, Tonoyasu is carried out of the dungeon as the one Title of EIN STÜCK 938“The nation remains shaken! The identity of Ushimitsu Kozo, the knightly thief!” What will happen to the man in the next episode?

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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