On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga written by Kouta Amana and illustrated by Youko Umezu, Kinsou no Vermeil: Gakeppuchi Majutsushi wa Saikyou no Yakusai to Mahou Sekai wo Tsukisusumu (Gold vermeil) a new promotional video of the project was released. The video confirms that the premiere is scheduled for July 5 in Japan and confirms new voice cast members, including:
- Yu Okano like Marx Pearlston.
- Kaori Ishihara like Charolle’s iridescence.
- Sakura Nakamura like François.
- Kana Hanazawa as Elena Kimberlite.
- Kazuyuki Okitsu like Shinoji Ryuuga.
- Riho Sugiyama as Jessica Schwartz.
- Yuri Amami as Chris Westland.
- Takehito Koyasu like obsidian.
Theme songs for the project have also been announced, including Kaori Ishihara already with the opening theme “Abracada-Boo”. Milli with the ending theme entitled “Mortal With You”.
Next, Kouta Amana Y Youko Umezu They started publishing the manga in the magazine Monthly Shōnen Gangan from the publisher Square Enix in August 2018. The publisher published the fifth anthology in November 2021 in Japan.
voice output
- Yuya Hirose how large.
- Maya Uchida like cinnabar.
- Wakana Kuramochi like Lilia.
production team
- Takashi Naoya (3D Kanojo: Real Girl, Osananajimi ga Zettai and Makenai Love Comedy, Joshiraku) is responsible for directing the anime at the studios StapleEntertainment.
- Tatsuya Takahashi (Highschool of the Dead, Eromanga-sensei, Domestic na Kanojo, Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai) is responsible for writing and supervising the screenplays.
- Tateishi Kiyoshi (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Haikyuu!!, Black Lagoon) is responsible for character design.
- Ken Itu (Handa-kun, 100 men no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru) J kenichi kuroda (Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou Desu, Joshikausei) are responsible for composing the soundtrack.
Summary for Kinsou no Vermeil: Gakeppuchi Majutsushi wa Saikyou no Yakusai to Mahou Sekai wo Tsukisusumu
Ortigia Royal Academy of Magic. Alto, about to summon the magic course and needing to repeat the course, stumbles across a spell book and draws a magic circle, summoning the sealed demon Vermeil and making him his familiar. He is a “demon” feared since ancient times, possessing tremendous power to cause disasters. As a confidante, Vermeil needs daily magical energy, which he gets from Alto through passionate kisses. Alto’s childhood friend Lilia is jealous of their relationship, and even the students are shocked at the unprecedented intimacy. The king’s road fantasy of a failing wizard and a sickly devil sister begins.
Source: Weird Natalie
(c) SQUARE ENIX ・「金装のヴェルメイユ」製作委員会