In the long thirst for debates about who is really stronger between Goku and Vegeta, fueled above all by the events of Dragon Ball Superthere is one consideration that is often avoided: the different philosophies of both characters. But let’s try to clarify them better with the bow of Freeza, taking into account the current saga.
In spite of Vegeta came out defeated from fighting PierHowever, the Saiyan has shown that he is deeply mature compared to the past and uses a dialogue with the wizard to clarify his differences from his bitter rival. Goku.
The iconic protagonist indeed during the fight against freezer on Namecc clarified his intentions, namely to destroy the opponent Maximum of his powers to smash his prideto the point of creating fear and making fun of the wickedness of the evil emperor. Goku himself also stubbornly felt arrogant, initially hinting at the enemy to simply return to training (as he will actually do) and then saving his life in a gesture of Spartan greed. Under no circumstances will the Saiyan, even if he comes close to death during the duel, fight to kill his opponent. And that, together with another point, is even more interesting, because in the continuation of the story Goku’s opinion will change a lot In the cell saga, if he is aware of Freeza’s mistake, he will almost appeal to the son himself to eliminate Doctor Frost’s monster.
Vegeta, however, was always aware own identity of the villain. A man who, though eliminating dozens if not hundreds of people, has already accepted his fate by effectively preventing it from changing it. Not even against Molo, after using much of his powers, he questioned his identity by not preparing to kill the wizard. Two different philosophies that align themselves more and more over the course of history, albeit without ever completely overlapping.
And you, on the other hand, what do you think of these two different philosophies? Tell us yours with a comment below.
Goku’s philosophy versus Vegeta’s philosophy ..
– Jordan Lee (@JordanLDurham), July 23, 2020