The long-awaited news Dragon Ball Super: Superhero They finally arrived during the panel held at the Dragon Ball Games Battle Hour. At the event, Goten and Trunks made their official debut, who are no longer the children forbidden from going to the battlefield. Does their presence mean the return of Gotenks?

Adult Goten and Trunks were featured on the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero poster. Their presence therefore opens the door to a sensational rate of return, which can be seen on the same advertising poster. The two half-blooded Saiyan sons of Goku and Vegeta make an appearance indeed fusion dance. Gotenks' adult debut may be very close, but the duo seem to have forgotten about dancing.

The film's producer, Akio Iyoku, wanted to provide another clue as to the presence Gotenk's adult. In an internship interview, the author revealed that the two will perform fusion dancing at some point in the 3DCG film. However, Iyoku also jokingly said he doesn't know exactly how their attempt will turn out.

As fans envision Cell's return in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, the manufacturer's suggestion suggests that the two could attempt to use fusion, but that this attempt might fail miserably, since the two have not resorted to this remedy for several years. Therefore, the possibility of seeing Gotenks as an adult could dwindle dramatically, postponing this event to another date.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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