Dragon Ball Super: Superhero represents a pretty bold move compared to what fans are used to reading in the manga today. The return to a limited threat to planet Earth with protagonists who had become minor characters and above all the decision to integrate the CGi have made it a unique project in the franchise.
This peculiarity has also caught the eye of the American voice actors who, for years, have been lending their voices to the characters that inhabit the universe created by Akira Toriyama. In an interview Kyle Herbert, Gohan's American voice actor Since 1999, he has expressed his views on the film's decision to use a new style. The union between 2D animation and computer graphics surprised Herbert, saying it represents the future of animation.
"I think it's part of the natural evolution of animation, you know? There are new tools in the hands of animators for make everything look more artistically interestingalthough it remains tied to the original design' Herbert commented on the film's end result, before reiterating that he was still attached to the old style: “This kind of art gives more depth to the characters. Computers can create art at a very fast pace. I'm a fan of old school art and hand made animation. But in this movie Art takes your breath away".
Finally, we let you discover the truth behind Bulma's deeds in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.