Despite the official status of Dragon Ball Super 2 has not arrived yet, the rumors have started to circulate in the industry and finally the community returns to talk about the future of the franchise. One insider in particular revealed what appeared to be unfortunate news for fans.
The Dragon Ball Super 2 anime is set to return, but in 2023, according to the latest July rumors. Due to the change in Shueisha's plans, she wanted to invest more in other mediums related to the Masterwork Akira Toriyama, the sequel has been put on standby in anticipation of better times. But according to what the rumors on the internet suggest, TOEI animation She returned to work on the series with panache, and novelties could emerge later this year.
The user dbs2019one of the most recognizable faces in the world of Dragon Ball insiders recently shared a new update on DB Super 2. According to him, in fact, the sequel will not be revealed Jump Victory Carnival, as we expected, still at the San Diego ComiCon. However, in the opinion of readers and the network, the ideal stage for a full-blown announcement of the anime's return seems to be Shueisha's flagship event, the Jump Festatake place in December.
However, when do you think TOEI will formalize Dragon Ball Super 2? As usual, let us know what you think about it by leaving a comment in the appropriate box below.
The new weekly Dragon Ball anime will not be announced this week. Not at SDCC or anywhere else. #Scoop
-dbs2019 (@dbs20191) July 20, 2022