Dragon Ball GT is one of the most discussed and controversial anime in mythology connected to Akira Toriyana’s masterpiece. Produced in original form by TOEI Animation, the 64 episodes split the community in two, those who liked the work in question and those who instead preferred to get it out of their heads.

Someone within either faction would even want a remake of Dragon Ball GT, but that currently remains just a hypothesis that will most likely never see the light of day. Still, there’s one element that, for better or for worse, unites the spin-off sequel’s entire fanbase DBZor the Super Saiyan 4.

The glorious fourth transformation of the SSJIn fact, everyone appreciates it very much thanks to the original character design that distorts the appearance of the characters. In this context, an illustration by leemarej which he had attempted to reconstruct Goku in Super Saiyan 4 as realistic as possible. The result in question, which you can admire at the bottom of the news, is nothing more than an interpretation of what our hero might look like if he really existed, fan art that has certainly had some success.

And you on the other hand, what do you think of leemarej’s illustration, do you like it? As usual, please let us know with a comment below.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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