On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga, written and illustrated by Shou Harusono, Sasaki to Miyano (Sasaki and Miyano) a promotional video for the forthcoming film adaptation of the franchise, which is said to bear the title, has been unveiled Sasaki to Miyano: Sotsugyo hen (graduation sheet). The video confirms that the premiere is scheduled for February 17, 2023 in cinemas in Japan.
It is worth remembering that this film will also feature the anime adaptation of the manga. Hirano to Kagiura (Hirano and Kagiura), in short film format, this being another manga by the author which has completely different characters.
The series aired during the season of Winter 2022 (January-March) and had twelve episodes throughout the platform Crunchyroll/Funimation takes care of sales in the West. For his part, Harusono began publishing the manga independently through the website pixiv in 2016 and an OVA was included in the special edition of the manga’s ninth compiled volume on July 27.
production team
- Shinji Ishihara (Fairy Tail, Log Horizon, talentless Nana) is responsible for directing the feature film Studio Deensupported by Takahiro Ueno.
- Yoshiko Nakamura (Super Lovers, Shōnen Maid, Tada never falls in love) is responsible for writing and supervising the screenplays.
- makifujii (I’ve always liked you, the moment you fall in love, our love was always four inches apart.) is responsible for character design.
Synopsis of Sasaki after Miyano
Yoshikazu Miyano is a mild-mannered high school student who enjoys reading manga that boys love. One day he finds himself in the situation of breaking up a bitter school fight without knowing what to do. Before things get any worse, he is interrupted by high school student Shuumei Sasaki, who bravely takes his place and rescues Miyano from her grief. Since that day, Miyano silently admires him. However, three months later, Miyano realizes that Sasaki is more annoying than admirable. At school, Miyano is greeted by him with playful taunts, not to mention the frequent friendly snubs he receives. When Sasaki asks for manga recommendations, Miyano lends him a boy love manga that she has. Surprisingly, Sasaki ends up enjoying his content and also addicted to boy love, marking the beginning of a shared passion. Could it be something else?
Font: Weird Natalie
©2022 園ショウ/KADOKAWA/「佐々木と宮野」製作委員会