Black clover is currently one of the best-known manga of Weekly Shonen Jump magazine, a title that has made magic its forte. The Jewel of Yuki Tabata has thus become one of the pillars of the Shueisha House’s flagship magazine, but who is the community’s favorite character?
For the uninitiated every now and then Jump organizes popularity polls to allow its readers to express their preferences towards the characters of the work, just as it did with My Hero Academia a few months ago.
Black Clover’s latest has instead been dated to well over a year, in March 2021, and finally the magazine has launched a poll that has resulted in a leaked ranking thanks to leaks of the new issue over the past few hours. at this turn, Shueisha won the opinion of nearly 230,000 readerswith the top 5 reading:
- Noelle Silva: 35,999 votes;
- Auction: 22,535 votes;
- Yami: 17,660 votes;
- Yuno: 17,072 votes;
- Dante Zogratis: 12,814 votes;
Outperforms all Noelle even managing to outperform the protagonist by over 13,000 votes far more than the 5th classified. Sole bronze medal for Captain Yami, one of the community’s most popular characters. And you, on the other hand, agree with the opinion of the readers in Japan? As usual, please let us know with a comment below.